me and fatkidwithjetpack are makeing a flash i will be writeing it and giving the sprites but he will make it come to life for more info i will post later dont expect it so sone though
by the way go here it is fun
Age 30, Male
High School
On My Laptop
Joined on 12/29/07
Posted by megamanx736 - August 4th, 2008
me and fatkidwithjetpack are makeing a flash i will be writeing it and giving the sprites but he will make it come to life for more info i will post later dont expect it so sone though
by the way go here it is fun
Posted by megamanx736 - June 3rd, 2008
ok we'll come quietly said Seth proud of his plan the trio steped out with the men then in a flash the knifes flew from there pockets to their captors face's they cried in agony as the blood rush from there face o.k. at least we know there human said Alex. so we need to find the sorce of the radio waves so here are, are the ideas,
A) just wander till they find a base.
B) wait in the base fight off enemys till sulpies gets there
C) do a S.O.S to base for back but slow the procese of the suplies
and im sorry for the delay
Posted by megamanx736 - May 23rd, 2008
they quickly thought and then reloaded there guns and blew the first wave away. ok i think there gone for now panted seth sir i got the report from the base... but frist did you think the enemys were a litte weird it was are frist encounter asked roy well now that you think of it ya they looked as if they where and i dare say it... brain washed said seth exectly sir the report says there was a large magnetic wave just sent about 30 min ago read roy about the time of the attac-*crash* what the yelled seth ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh enemy fire yelled alex out you wepons down said the man in a robotic voice
what should they do
A) refuse
B) do as they say
C) pretened to follow but the throw flash bomb and fire
D)use the knifes to stab then as they escourt you
Posted by megamanx736 - May 22nd, 2008
in war the only thing that happens is blood shed and pain to those familys that lost there son husban or more this is several untold storys broght back so you can save them and the familys together the storys of Seth vanku, roy leno and alex smith
the story begins now: sgt help the men are attacking roy yelled with horror in his voice what i thoght we had more time yelled seth no sir looks like their here after 4 hours mumbled alex you have something to say alex yelled seth n-no sir yelled startled alex ok then attack mode in the base grab yuor wepons the first group is here yelled seth
seth grabed:ak47 knife 1 frag and 1 flash
roy grabed : shot gun rope knife and a medical kit
alex grabed : knife assult rifle and a frag
choise for the attack
A) roy and alex throw frags and seth blazes a clip or 2
B) go all out fire
C) run to the back and grab rpg and mini gun
rember its the first wave of troops and the supplies is not comeing for 2 days
Posted by megamanx736 - May 2nd, 2008
im posting this to say this i tired of gay fake rpgs i want a fun rpg the first 3 rpgs that are posted will be the final ests and have a title of rpg god then a nother 3 then a tornement of the last 2 so make the best rpg ever if you lose i cry for you now you must ask to join now
Posted by megamanx736 - April 3rd, 2008
run run hitler is alive save the jews kill im now for he is a merley a child
Posted by megamanx736 - April 2nd, 2008
to all who think crakc might be ok its not so i show you i 10 years on crack and i apoligiz i wrote this with a mouse
Posted by megamanx736 - March 11th, 2008
me when im out to kill ninja form me in my true form and if any one will please give me some flash tips i will greatly appresate it